Touring Touring team challenge Farmers

A Touring golfing side from Durban playing at St Cathryn’s over the weekend, challenged the “farmers”(members from St Cathryn’s) on Sunday. Our Interclub teams preparing for KZNGU Interclub tournament this coming weekend opted not to play. Social golfer Struan Cowie and friends were roped in to play for the local side after making a booking to play a fun round of golf.

So the farmers team eventually consisted of a farmer, medical doctor, pharmacist, three scholars, printing specialist, fencing contractor and businessman.

The formatt elected was betterball scoring, then team totals added together and then divided by number of players. This was done because one late cancellation of a player and another with drawing just before the shotgun start, leaving St Cathryn’s with a smaller team.

Sunday’s weather was the most perfect golfing weather pushing the temperature up from Saturday’s 16,5°C. The visitors rented out the whole fleet of golf cars and tee off was at 9:00.The scholars from the Penrose golf academy found themselves in one of their first official team competition events and really came to the fore.

Team “Farmers” St Cathryn’s 41 points and Team Durbanites 39,6 points.
Nearest to pin 2/11th Josh Gifford
Nearest to pin 9/18th Struan Cowie
Nearest to pin for 2 on the 8/17th: Mark Walker
Longest drive on the 10th : Troy Gifford.
Best betterball score: Brad and Justin 44 points.

Our three competitive teams travelling down to the South Coast to play in the KZNGU Interclub tournament sponsored by Plennegy, will be hoping to bring back some of the silver ware and honour back to the club.

This Sunday, 30 October 2022, the St Cathryn’s lady members are hosting “Ladies Golf in support of Breast Cancer” a 9 hole fun tournament and we invite ladies to take part. Cost of R140 includes green fees, prizes and light lunch. Donations are also welcome. To enter the competition please contact St Cathryn’s on 082 555 2661.