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St Cathryn’s News

The new year started with very hot conditions, and due to the heat and the little rain received the grass has been growing! Trying to keep up with the mowing during the holiday season has been quite stressful, as you end the one side – the mowing starts again. The Kikuyu grass has been the main culprit and keeps the gang mower busy.

Greens nine and fifteen, were hollow tined due to these greens taking strain as irrigation is still not possible. Hollow tining will commence from next week on all the other greens.

A new fun filled competition is the “EARLS CUP” (Named after Earl Browning), is the brain child of Gareth Larkan and Dieter Meyer. After the Ryder Cup in 2018 the two of them came up with the idea of Greytown playing St Cathryn’s in a similar format to the Ryder Cup. It was decided to name it after Earl Browning due to his great contribution to Greytown’s golf community and for his love of the game.

The trophy will be competed for on 19 & 20 January 2019 in the following match play formats.

St Cathryn’s on Saturday 19th:
Betterball (Holes 1-9)
Foursomes (Holes 10-18).

Greytown on Sunday 20th:

The trophy will be handed out by Rose Cyrus ( Earl’s daughter) on Sunday at GCC. The trophy has been hand made by Kelvin Price (Dieter’s father-in-law) using two of Earl’s original clubs. The trophy will be played for on an annual basis.

On Saturday 19 January 2019 Supper will be a Bring and Braai for the golfers playing in the Earls Cup, but all are Welcome to join in – please RSVP by Friday 10h00 at the latest for catering purposes.

Fanie van Wyk was elected as the new Club captain and we thank Brent Barkhuizen for the work he did as Captain for the past two years. We also Welcome our new members to the Club and hope that they will enjoy their time with us on the course. A reminder that subs are due please by the 31 January 2019 at the very latest. To book for golf or book for the Bring and Braai please phone / sms Piet 0832691661.