Some Fun Putting

The Elsie Mtshali School held their Christmas lunch function at St Cathryn’s, but part of the menu was a fun putting session on the ninth green that was done before the main course was served. Later the teachers were given balls to try and hit onto the island and that caused lots of laughter and banter. The golf balls were hit… some balls travelling between 6cm and 15m, way short of the actual distance of 105 meters. The headmaster Mr Sikhosana was the best golfer on the day.

Nine of our St Cathryn’s members took part in the fun 9 hole competition in Greytown and the day was hosted by Jack Mason. Thank you Jack for hosting us and the pork belly roll was enjoyed by all and Captain Fanie van Wyk flew the St Cathryn’s flag high with his 21 points.

This Saturday 19 December 2020 is the first Farmers Agri- care monthly mug for the new year, and Sunday 20 December 2020 all Monthly Mug winners will play for the Jug of mugs, and the Captains putter players will play for the putter of putters.

The AGM report back meeting and members dinner will be held on Saturday afternoon , Please all book for golf and dinner for catering purposes Numbers will be limited due to Covid protocol. Please contact Piet 0832691661

A reminder to members that subs are now due and we would appreciate payment by 31 January 2021.

For the subs rates for 2021 click here

The golf course will be closed on Christmas Day and strict covid-19 protocols will be in place. Visitor golfers are welcome by prior arrangement. Members and visitors please book with Gary 0761230171