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Results for the November Farmers Agri-Care Monthly mug

The Farmers Agri-Care Monthly mug was played on Saturday the 13th of November 2021. Captain Fanie van Wyk played with the three lady golfers in the field, which turned out to bring him luck, as Fanie took the last Monthly Mug for 2021 and qualified for the Jug of Mugs in December 2021. We were proud to see Matthew du Preez in the competition, playing as a new member of St Cathryns. Matthew has been trained by the Penrose Golf Academy and is one of their shining stars.

1st: Fanie van Wyk nett 70
2nd: Marius Muller nett 72
3rd: Troy Gifford nett 73 o.c.o
4th: Dieter Meyer
5th: Nicole Nieuwoudt nett 74
Best Stableford: Dieter Meyer 36 o.c.o
Captains Putter : Gareth Larkan
Best Lady golfer: Nicole Nieuwoudt (Prize sponsored by Brent)
Best Junior: Matthew du Preez
Nearest to pin 9/18: Fanie van Wyk
Nearest to pin 2/11: Troy Gifford
Lucky Draw: Fritz Volker
There were no 2 Clubs, so the kitty has rolled over

With Fanie winning the Mug, he has also won the “Grand Pricks” for 2021. On the weekend of 18 and 19 December 2021, the Saturday 18th of December 2021 we play our first Farmers Agri-Care Monthly Mug for 2022, that evening we have our yearly report back meeting and Members and sponsors Dinner. On Sunday the 19of December 2021 we play for the Jug of Mugs, with the last 12 Monthly Mug winners competing for the JUG. The members who won the Captains putter are also invited to play for the Putter of putters. So members, please put the dates in your diary and let us know if you will be joining us for Dinner.

To book for golf please contact 0832691611 or 0791230171