The 2019 Farmers Agri-care competition played on Saturday 26 January 2019, drew the hardy golfers when they played in the second mug for the new membership year, it was cold, it was a little misty and it was wet! This did however not deter the golfers all vying for the R350.00 first prize on offer. Besides the first prize, there is the second prize of R150, third prize of R100 and then eggs and wine on offer. Above all, the competitors that have entered the Grand Prix, all score Grand Prix points to be won at the end of the year, last year’s winner walked away with half a sheep.
During Saturday’s round, one golfer softly commented to another three ball on the 6th hole about reducing the mug to a nine hole comp, but was quickly scoffed at and said “no ways 18 holes will stay”. Obviously the complainant was referring to the weather conditions.
The holes hollow tined during the past week have come through nicely and were putt-able over the weekend. This green keeping practice will continue this week with holes 4, 5 and the 6th. After hollow tineing a light dusting of sifted Umgeni sand and fertilizer is applied.
1st Fanie van Wyk nett 73
2nd Dieter Meyer nett 78
3rd Piet Nel oco
4th Tienie Muller nett 81
5th Lawrence Savage nett 85.
Captains Putter: PK du Preez who has made a welcome comeback to Medal play!
Nearest to Pin 9/18th: Dieter Meyer.
The half time burger, was a welcome hot meal for the cold and wet golfers and the pot of green mealies ended the day off around the fire in the fireplace. Temp last week peaked at a high of 38 degrees and dropped to a low of 16,5 degrees on Saturday.
Darnall golf club is touring St Cathryn’s on the weekend of the 8th February and they have invited our members to be part of their meat competition on the Friday and then their competition on Saturday with the format still to be announced. Their club has booked out all the carts and accommodation on offer.
Members are reminded that Thursday the 31st of January is final cut off to renew your membership, and unfortunately non renewal members could find themselves taken off the National Handicap system and the card will then be in-active.
To book for golf please phone 0832691661 Piet or the Club 0825552661.
Farmers Agri-care competition – January Results