12 September weekend results

The clubhouse deck was the place on Saturday 12 September 2020, where the 18 holes of golf was replayed over and over again. There were comments as to where things went wrong, or a ball lost here and there, over a few frosties… this was after all, where the scorecards were handed in and checked by the organiser Dieter Meyer, of the “Better Ball with a Twist Competition.”

There was the “nunu fundi” Mike Barrow who stopped on the course to view the birds and the bees and stretched the time limit for 18 holes of golf to the limit with the “nut cracker” Martin Platt who has recently taken up golf. Also in the competition were “finance guy” Vijay Roopi, “ Shop keeper” Colin Hooper all the way from otherside of the mountain, Keats Drift (who is becoming a regular player at St Cathryns ) chatting to “ printer” Paul du Preez.

We need to mention “ Ever young” Peter Koller who mingled with everyone, sticking to the local St Cathryn’s social distancing rules, shared his 74th birthday with all the golfers.

 Other golfers that played were from clubs like Umhlali, Silver Lakes , Sakabula, Eshowe and our neighbour Greytown but the local knowledge and talent of the course showed in the results.

The format was a better ball with a twist, and that twist was to play your partner’s drive. It was fun and in the same field of thirty two players were three husband and wife teams. With a format like this, the wives often had their drives in play or were safely on the fairways , but the husbands tested the marriage vows to the nth degree… with some wild shots.

The father and son teams also enjoyed the day, when the Three sons tried to out drive their fathers, only to succumb to the years of golfing experience and the golden golfing saying” drive for show – putt for dough”.


1st Fanie and Mariaan van Wyk 45 points

2nd Tienie and Maruis Muller 44 points .oc.o

3rd Dieter and Josh Meyer.

Nearest to pin 2/11th: Dieter Meyer

Nearest to pin 9/18th : Josh Meyer missing the hole by a few mm to almost record his first hole in one.

Clive Kitch recorded a birdie on the famous 8th hole, he won a boer pampoen and had to swin in the dam, a long standing tradition that if you score a birdie on either the 8th or 17th… you swim in full view of the members.

The after “Five nearest to the Island” was won by Owen Naidoo. His ball landed slap bang between the palms on the island on Kassier Bay.

The Tuta Carriers club championships will be played on the weekend of the 26th and 27th September 2020, with the Farmers Agri-care monthly mug played on the Saturday 26 September 2020 of the championships. 

To play golf a booking needs to be made – Piet 0832691661 or Gary 0791230171